Resolution: Done
Sprint #1 April 2015, Sprint #2 April 2015, Sprint #3 May 2015
Be it resolved - we should reorg directories for consistency across JBT/JBDS:
Latest suggestion:
- /{mars,9.0}/
- /{snapshots,staging,development,stable}/
- /updates/
- /{requirements, jbosstoolstarget,jbdevstudiotarget, core,coretests,webtools,hibernatetools, discovery, central,earlyaccess, integration-stack,integration-stack-earlyaccess}/
- /<build-version = 4.3.0.Alpha1, 4.3.0.Final, 4.41.*, 4.50.*...>/
- /{requirements, jbosstoolstarget,jbdevstudiotarget, core,coretests,webtools,hibernatetools, discovery, central,earlyaccess, integration-stack,integration-stack-earlyaccess}/
- /builds/
- /<job-name>/
- /
{<pull-request-version = PR123, PR124, PR125...>, <build-version = B123, B124, B125...>}
- /
{<pull-request-version = PR123, PR124, PR125...>, <build-version = B123, B124, B125...>}
- /<job-name>/
- /updates/
- /{snapshots,staging,development,stable}/
Older idea:
<download.jboss.org,devstudio.redhat.com> <earlyaccess,updates,discovery>/<mars,9.0> /snapshots [replace nightly] /staging [rename content for QE, moves to development when approved] /development /stable (updates/<mars,9.0>/stable is a pointer back into parent folder so published URL can be simpler drop /integration (not used) builds/<jobname>/<buildid> builds/<jobname>/composite*.xml for last N builds targetplatforms/<type>/<version>
Further discussion in http://ether-man.rhcloud.com/p/build.next.20141112
This would remove the idea of the composite staging site [1] and the composite install job [2], today used to determine when it's time to run the aggregate builds, in favour of a new p2diff mechanism for determining if aggregates should be published. See JBIDE-18742 and JBIDE-16970.
[1] http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/_composite_/core/4.2.luna/
[2] https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/view/DevStudio/view/DevStudio_8.0.luna/job/jbosstools-composite-install_4.2.luna/
- blocks
JBIDE-18921 release webtools site for Eclipse 4.3 Mars to so WTP 3.7 discovery upstream can find it
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-18833 luna nightly are not being updated preventing QE to do easy testing of committed code
- Closed
JBDS-3163 change publishing process so that JBDS staging builds go to devstudio.redhat.com instead of www.qa server
- Closed
JBIDE-16970 create mechanism to verify that nightly build is different from previous milestone
- Closed
JBIDE-18742 Only rely on rsync to publish new aggregate (remove other comparators and checks)
- Closed
JBIDE-18846 create replacement page for cascade/swimlanes pages, to facilitate access to build, discovery, TP, and update site URLs
- Closed
- relates to
JBIDE-14610 Design http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools structure
- Closed
JBIDE-18914 Spring cleaning for /targetplatforms/ folder
- Closed
JBIDE-19018 JBT Central Discovery staging site contains early access child site in its composite*.xml
- Closed
JBDS-3421 Update site lists its files in upper left corner
- Closed
JBDS-3422 Links for offline install zips on update site are dead
- Closed
JBIDE-19758 when released, should move JBT 4.2.x.Final folders from /builds/staging/ into /builds/stable/ for archiving
- Closed
JBIDE-20141 Define which vanity URLs to use for publishing JBT/JBDS nightlies & dev sites
- Closed
JBDS-3423 JBDS update site has blue JBT branding instead of red JBDS branding
- Closed
JBIDE-19608 For JBIDE 4.3.0.Alpha2: Code Freeze + Branch
- Closed
JBIDE-18772 Include publish steps in pom files
- Closed
JBDS-3191 Improve the way we switch between development and GA
- Closed