• Team Usability
    • Done
    • NEW

      It has come to our attention in the past that users, relatively new to Eclipse overall struggle with basic team dev concepts such as

      • how to integrate with CVS, SVN, Git
      • how to "import" a Maven-based project from SCM
        "Check out Maven Projects from SCM" has misfired for some users
      • how to "checkin" changes back to the SCM
        To some degree the problem is simply that Eclipse offers way too many menu-items that see to do approximately the same things.
        For example, if "Check out Maven Projects from SCM" is supposed to work then we likely need to document how it works with CVS, SVN and Git specifically.

              ldimaggi@redhat.com Len DiMaggio
              bsutter@redhat.com Burr Sutter
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              4 Start watching this issue
