
    • Medium

      <pilhuhn> Do you also plan to list MDBs so that they can at least be detected?
      <ALR> pilhuhn: I hadn't, but I can add that. What would you like exposed for MDB?
      <pilhuhn> metrics like on the jmx console would be cool, but just listing them as ManagedComponent within a EJB jar would be great - they are already in the KnownComponentTypes
      <ALR> pilhuhn: To list as a ManagedComponent wouldn't I need to register some @ManagementObject ? Just some stub thing?
      <pilhuhn> aehm ..
      <ALR> pilhuhn: I've found some stats I can expose, actually, without touching the ejb3-core, which has been my aim thus far. I'll do it.
      <pilhuhn> Great - JOPR-203 has a EAR attached with a MDB in it - and the jxm-console shows keepalive millis, stats, min pool size, max pool size, delivery active and max messages

              arubinge@redhat.com Andrew Rubinger (Inactive)
              ips_jira Ian Springer (Inactive)
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