Resolution: Done
EJB3 Session Bean metrics (in addition to availability)
<!-- ear=rhq.ear,jar=rhq-enterprise-server-ejb.ejb3,name=AgentManagerBean,service=EJB3 -->
<!-- jboss.j2ee:jar=SimpleSLSB.jar,name=SimpleSLSB,service=EJB3 -->
<metric displayName="Current Count" property="CurrentSize"/>
<metric displayName="Create Count" property="CreateCount" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"
description="the number of instances of this EJB that have been created"/>
<metric displayName="Remove Count" property="RemoveCount" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"
description="the number of instances of this EJB that have been removed"/>
<metric displayName="Available Count" property="AvailableCount"/>
<metric displayName="Max Size" property="MaxSize"/>
Plus the complex method invocation metrics
<metric property="InvokeStats" dataType="calltime" units="milliseconds"
defaultOn="false" defaultInterval="600000" destinationType="Method Name"
description="the minimum, maximum, and average invocation times for each of the methods exposed by this EJB;
NOTE: this metric is only available if JBoss EJB3 RC9 Patch 1 or later is being used
(a capable version of EJB3 is included with JBossAS 4.2.0.GA or later)"/>
- is blocked by
JBAS-6676 Suport for exposing JMX bean as ManagedObject
- Closed
- is duplicated by
EJBTHREE-1839 Implement POJO-based, @ManagedObject Session Metrics
- Resolved
- is related to
JBAS-6877 EJB3 Entity Cache Metrics
- Closed
JBAS-6999 expose MOs for EJB3 MDBs w/ some metrics
- Closed
JBPAPP-2062 Component Upgrades for EJB3 Metrics
- Resolved