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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-6509

Configuration of write-behind cachestore threading should refer to executors by name


      The configuration for the write-behind settings are documented as having for example the following format:

      <write-behind flush-lock-timeout="12321" modification-queue-size="123" shutdown-timeout="321" thread-pool-size="23" />

      I believe this should rather hallow to refer an executor by name, so that executors can be defined in the executors sections and allow (and encourage) people to reuse the executors across multiple cachestores if that makes sense.

      We probably could also validate that it's not allowed to pick some specific executors, for example I believe some choices could lead to deadlocks.

            remerson@redhat.com Ryan Emerson
            sgrinove Sanne Grinovero
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
