Resolution: Done
Support Disconnected Mode for Management Clusters
BU Product Work
Not Selected
To Do
OCPSTRAT-618 - [GA] Self-managed Hosted Control Planes support for BM using the Agent Provider
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Hypershift Sprint 13
To run a HyperShift management cluster in disconnected mode we need to document which images need to be mirrored and potentially modify the images we use for OLM catalogs.
ICSP mapping only happens for image references with a digest, not a regular tag. We need to address this for images we reference by tag:
CAPI, CAPI provider, OLM catalogs
- is depended on by
CNV-37749 [GA] HCP/KubeVirt disconnected clusters
- Closed
CNV-30671 Hypershift/KubeVirt procedure for disconnected clusters
- Closed
- is documented by
ACM-3981 Documentation: Hypershift doc for proxy and disconnected environments
- Closed
- is related to
ACM-3754 Hypershift addon test in Baremetal environments
- Closed
HOSTEDCP-422 Failed to create a hypershift hosted cluster in the disconnected management cluster
- Closed
- relates to
CNV-37749 [GA] HCP/KubeVirt disconnected clusters
- Closed
HOSTEDCP-1260 [Automation Testing] HyperShift deploy on BM by Agent
- Closed
CNV-30671 Hypershift/KubeVirt procedure for disconnected clusters
- Closed
HOSTEDCP-1068 (duplicate) Create a periodic CI job for disconnected hypershift install with the kubevirt CAPI provider
- Closed
HOSTEDCP-1071 Disconnected is not suported, but highly asked for
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned in
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