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  1. Insights Experiences
  2. HMS-3093

Pre-conversion report should not be displayed after conversion

      Currently the Conversion Task job result shows the pre-conversion analysis report even when the conversion has succeeded.

      The pre-conversion report messages are irrelevant after the conversion though. They state things that are no longer true (e.g. the warning about outdated packages on the image below - the packages have been replaced with the latest version available in RHEL repos during the conversion).

      Acceptance criteria:

      • The pre-conversion analysis report is not shown when the conversion succeeds (convert2rhel returns 0)

        1. image.png
          88 kB
          Michal Bocek
        2. image-2023-12-04-16-06-49-520.png
          99 kB
          Martin Litwora

            rolivier@redhat.com Rodolfo Olivieri
            mbocek@redhat.com Michal Bocek
            Martin Litwora Martin Litwora
            Martin Litwora
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
