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  1. OpenShift Hive
  2. HIVE-2285

Identify clusters that are in limited support on Hive clusters


    • False
    • None
    • False

      As SREP engineers, we don't want to be notified of alerts relating to clusters in limited support. The traditional way of silencing a cluster altogether doesn't work for alerts firing from a Hive instance but related to a cluster that the operator is managing. An example of this is the alert related to the ClusterSync failures.

      We need a way to silence or prevent these alerts, the proposed solution at the moment is to create a metric indicating whether a cluster is in limited support that could be used in the expression of the alert.


      The discussion is still open if there's another way to silence LS clusters I'm happy to discuss it. This remains an important requirement for this kind of alert.


      Done Criteria:

      • A way to prevent alerts associated with a cluster in limited support from firing is identified or implemented

            sumehta Suhani Mehta
            zmird.openshift Zakaria Mird
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