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  1. OpenShift Hive
  2. HIVE-2034

Update to go 1.19


    • False
    • None
    • False

      I'm opening this card not because we need to do this now/soon, but because when we do, it's going to take some tribal knowledge that I want to record.

      It used to be easy to change golang levels in our dockerfiles – we would just increment the golang release number in the lines that look like

      FROM registry.ci.openshift.org/openshift/release:golang-1.18 as builder

      Well, it turns out nobody knows who's responsible for those images, so when something breaks (today it was inability to pip install gitpython) there's no support. So we're switching to use ART-supported images like registry.ci.openshift.org/openshift/release:rhel-8-release-golang-1.18-openshift-4.11 instead. Problem with those is that there doesn't seem to be a good way to discover what tags are available. Per DPTP, one way would be to ask in #aos-art.


      When working this card, in addition to updating to build against golang 1.19, we should immediately open a followon card for the next version, and that card should include/reference the above information.

      [Later that same day] Okay, it turns out we don't need to switch off of the release:golang-1.18 style images – I just needed to reboot my computer for some reason. Nevertheless, the fact remains that these images are mysterious and unsupported, so it might not be a terrible idea to switch off of them anyway. But there's now nothing special about this card.

            abutcher@redhat.com Andrew Butcher
            efried.openshift Eric Fried
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