Resolution: Done
The hawkular javaagent supports EAP6. We have an yml config for the agent when running on EAP6, but we need to be sure it specifies the correct metric family names/labels and we need to define a jmx exporter config file for it.
So, we need to make sure this EAP6 javaagent config has all the correct metric family/labels:
and we need to copy this wildfly-10 jmx exporter yaml:
call it eap6-jmx-exporter.yml or wildfly-8-jmx-exporter.yml (I think EAP6 is based on WF8??) and make sure all the JMX MBeans and attribs match those found in EAP6.
We then need to tell the agent to use that when on EAP6 - we can do that here in the EAP6 specific agent config yml:
- is blocked by
HAWKULAR-1327 should we implement versioning of metadata?
- Resolved