Resolution: Done
HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 231, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 233, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 234
User story:
So that I can manage my cluster, as a user I want the ability to add additional machine (aka node) pools to an existing cluster.
Acceptance criteria:
*. A user is able to create a node pool for a hypershift control plane cluster.
- A user must select a valid node pool name (same validation as ROSA cluster machine pools)
- A user must select a private subnet that is attached to their account when adding a machine pool to a hypershift cluster.
- For non-hypershift clusters, there isn't an option to add a subnet when adding a machine pool (current functionality)
Implementation details
The main task is that if the cluster is a hypershift cluser, the node pool POST endpoint is called instead of the[ machine pool endpoint|https://api.openshift.com/#/default/post_api_clusters_mgmt_v1_clusters_cluster_id_machine_pools].
More information needed
- There are numerous differences between the machine pool endpoint and the node pool endpoint.
*On Machine pool end point, but not on the node pool endpoint*
- `aws` endpoint (see below)
- `availabilty_zones` => this is a single availablity_zone (array vs single) in hypershift
- `instance _type`
- `labels` (see below)
- `security_group_filters`
- `subnets` => this is a single subnet (array vs single) in hypershift
- `taints`
*On Node pools, but missign on machine pool endpoint*
- `auto_repair`
*`aws` vs `aws_node_pool`*
This appears to be the main information about the need pools sent to the back end. There are numerous differences between the two.
The main question is what information gathered in the current UI can be re-used for a node-pool and what items need to be added/hidden for hypershift.
- is caused by
HAC-3697 [Hypershift ROSA] Scaling of machine pool gives 500 server error in UI.
- Closed
HAC-3607 [Hypershift ROSA] Private subnet id field takes longer time to load when user try to add machine pool set.
- Closed
HAC-3608 [Hypershift ROSA]Length validation error wasn't shown when the machine pool name exceeds 15 characters
- Closed
HAC-3618 [Hypershift ROSA]In Add machine pool dialog , there is no option to add labels and add taints to the machine/node pool
- Closed
- is related to
HAC-2981 [Hypershift ROSA][Details] Edit labels and taints for a node pool for a hypershift cluster
- Closed
HAC-3001 [Hypershift ROSA][Details][MVP] Hide or disable ability to add a node (aka machine) pool for Hypershift clusters
- Closed
HAC-3325 [Hypershfit ROSA][Details]Add private subnet drop-down to new machine pool modal
- Closed
- mentioned on