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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-2899

[Hypershift ROSA][Details] Add control plane only maintenance cluster details on settings tab


         User story:

      Because I want to control when a hypershift control plane is updated, as a user, I want to modify the maintenance schedule for control planes only.   This maintenance schedule may be individual (the user will choose the version in the future) or recurring where the user would enter a day/time for needed updating.

      Acceptance criteria:

      • Users may switch between individual (and choose the exact version at a later time after the cluster has been created) and recurring where the cluster will be automatically updated.
      • For hosted (hypershift) control plane if the user chooses a recurring schedule, users may change the day and time (in UTC) for a maintenance start time.
      • For updating the version (when the cluster has an individual maintenance schedule), the same rules and behavior will apply as to a standalone (aka classic) ROSA cluster.
      • Rules and behavior around minor version update approval will be unchanged for the control plane compared to a standalone (aka classic) ROSA cluster.
      • Rules and behavior around upgrade gates will be unchanged for the control plan compared to a standalone (aka classic) ROSA cluster.
      • Errors saving the maintenance schedule will be shown to the user.


      Mockups |PD 1434


      Implementation details


      • See HAC-2886 for how this information is set on the wizard. The layout and options on the cluster details (settings tab) should be very similar.
      • There is a different endpoint to modify a maintenance schedule for Hypershift control plans vs a standalone (aka classic) ROSA cluster).   See HAC-2866 for details.


            zherman Zac Herman
            kdoberst Kim Doberstein
            Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
