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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-2536

[Rosa Hosted/Hypershift wizard] Alert users when their infrastructure and subscription billing are in different cloud accounts

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      With consumption based billing where Red Hat does the metering, there are two cloud accounts that we look at. One where the infrastructure is provisioned and another where the subscription usage is submitted for billing. Usually, both these cloud accounts are the same and expected to be the same for the majority of the users. However, we can have cases where individual users within a team are using their own cloud accounts for provisioning the cluster/addon, but the the subscription was purchased/activated for a single billing account that is used by the different members of the team. This billing account is where the usage will be submitted.


      We need to alert customers (provide them with a alert/warning message in the UI) when the two cloud accounts are different (where infra resides and where subscription usage charges will flow).

      Ideally, we can preselect the AWS account (if it is available in the dropdown) where the infrastructure exists to better assist our customers.

      Success criteria

      • When a user selects an AWS infrastructure account, the billing account is set to this same account if: the AWS account exists in the billing dropdown and the user hasn't already selected another billing account
      • When the user selects different AWS infrastructure and billing accounts and it is an HCP (aka Hypershift) cluster, an alert is shown informing the user

      cc egranger@redhat.com 


      Designs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/126WG9F7nZDhsJsNbghY2CYigqF3Ia5F6-4V0H6oOSwg/edit#

              kdoberst Kim Doberstein
              rhn-engineering-abhgupta Abhishek Gupta
              rhn-support-sthamilt Stacey Hamilton
              Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
