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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-2523

[ROSA Wizard] Cluster settings / Machine pool - multiple machine pools


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Infrastructure


      This story will need to be re-evaluated after HAC-2405 has been completed. Many of the acceptance criteria including the ability to create multiple machine pools will now be covered by HAC-2405

      User story:

      So that I can ensure my wanted machine pools are created right away, as a user, I want an option to create multiple machine pools (or node pools behind the scenes) when I create the wizard.

      Acceptance criteria:

      • The user can enter a node pool name, or leave it blank.  If a user does enter a node pool name, it will be validated as: Machine pool name must consist of lower-case alphanumeric characters or '-', start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character. For example, 'my-name', or 'abc-123'.:
      • Users can create multiple machine pools when creating the wizard
      • Machine pools must be unique
      • The “next” button will not go to the next action unless all required fields pass validation
      • Data entered will be shown on the review page 
      • [technical] Data is prepared to be sent to the api


      PD 1434

      Mockup doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12PYQiNf0YP8LEkczMHEeyx91AXFbKGa-hD1Fh4gSKWQ/edit#heading=h.ulp2uf90mwj

      NOTE: The mock-ups are a little out of date.  The term “node pool” is to be replaced with “machine pool”.  Note that the term "node pool is a specific meaning for the CLI team when referring to hypershift.  

      Other changes on the cluster settings/machine pool step are addressed in other stories.





      Implementation details

      Major tasks:

      • Add the ability to add multiple machine pools
      • Ensure that all machine pools are listed on the summary page


      • Design and microcopy haven't been finalized

      More research needed:

      • If a user doesn’t enter a pool name, is the input placeholder (Default-pool) sent, or is nothing sent?



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            kdoberst Kim Doberstein
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