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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-2226

[SPIKE] Investigation on Download Kubeconfig button in Workspace Details UI


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • None
    • Infrastructure
    • None


      Designs are evolving at this point - more clarity needed on final design


      User Goal
      The purpose of this spike is to investigate an approach for implementing the "Download Kubeconfig" option in the Workspace Details UI.


      See Slack conversation with KCP team on this topic.

      There is a suggestion here from Sam to consider generating the kubeconfig using https://github.com/kubernetes-client/javascript#create-a-cluster-configuration-programatically on the frontend or maybe just do it by hand.

      Example of kubeconfig from the KCP Onboarding doc:


      Note: More clarity is needed on the exact design for this. Consult with Thi Le, Andy Braren, Colleen Hart

      API Investigation for Workspace Details:



      Does this qualify as a common feature that should be part of the Core SDK?



      Implementation of the Download Kubeconfig button is dependent on the common Details page component in HAC Core SDK, since we will be utilizing this component to display Workspace Details. See stories HAC-2169, HAC-1617



      • Document the approach for implementing the Download kubeconfig functionality on the Workspace Details UI (consult design team as necessary to clarify the usage of the button)
      • Add comment in the implementation story HAC-2094 with relevant information that would help with estimation.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            vnambiar@redhat.com Vidya Nambiar
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