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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-982

Argo CD should ignore resources copied by Operators


    • 8
    • False
    • False
    • With this update, you can manage resources with Argo CD that are also being used as template resources or "source" by an Operator.
    • GITOPS Sprint 211, GITOPS Sprint 215, GITOPS Sprint 216, GITOPS Sprint 214, GITOPS Sprint 220, GITOPS Sprint 221

      As a user of Argo CD on OpenShift, I want to manage resources with Argo CD that are also being used as template resources or "source" by an Operator. These Operators however tend to copy all labels from the source resource to the target resource, including the label used by Argo CD to identify resources it manages (e.g. app.kubernetes.io/instance by default.

      This will lead to Argo CD prune these copied resources, because they don't exist in the source manifests (they were created by the Operator).

      One workaround is to use the label argocd.argoproj.io/compare-options: IgnoreExtraneous on the source resource, which will also get copied by the Operator to the target resource. This will make Argo CD ignore the resource created by the Operator. However, this will also prevent pruning of the original resource when it gets removed from the manifests.

      We do need a solution for this rather common scenario.

      • Needs argocd 2.2

      Acceptance Criteria

      • building feature toggling in argocd operator
      • upgrade to argocd 2.2
      • address breaking change if any

            jfischer@redhat.com Jann Fischer
            jfischer@redhat.com Jann Fischer
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