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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-5636

Rollouts CLI on Konflux: 2) Enable hermetic build to Rollouts Kubectl build, and integrate with existing OpenShift GitOps Konflux build


    • GitOps Scarlet - Sprint 6/3265, GitOps Scarlet - Sprint 7/3266

      Story (Required)


      See parent epic for high level details. GITOPS-5635 is a prerequisite for this story.

      Also see resource links below for helpful external resources.

      Sketch of work

      (Continuing on from the build/release artifacts created in the openshift gitops operator Konflux workspace in GITOPS-5635)

      1) Get hermetic build working

      2) Move the work from your local GitHub repository to an official Red Hat repository that we can use for official builds

      • In this previous story, I suggested that you create a Git repository  in your own organization, and create the Konflux Component from now.
      • Now, we need to move/create a new repository in an official Red Hat org, for the official, proper builds.
      • We need to find a place for that repo: 'redhat-developer' org or 'rh-gitops-midstream' org?
      • My vote is 'rh-gitops-midstream'

      3) Integrate your work with the existing 'openshift-gitops-operator' Application CR in Konflux workspace

      • At present, we have an existing 'openshift-gitops-operator' Application in the 'rh-openshift-gitops' workspace.
      • We should integrate the work of this JIRA with the existing OpenShift GitOps build
        • Argo Rollouts CLI would be a Component that points to the existing OpenShift GitOps Application

      Acceptance Criteria

      • New GitHub repository exists in redhat-developer or rh-gitops-midstream, containing Konflux artifacts, and that GitHub repository references Argo Rollouts via sub-module.
      • Hermetic build of Rollouts kubectl plugin is enabled
      • Konflux build from the above repository is building without any errors or warnings in Konflux UI.
      • Rollouts CLI build is defined as a Component in 'rh-openshift-gitops' workspace, and is part of the 'openshift-gitops-operator' Application.


              rh-ee-rnaaz Rizwana Naaz
              jgwest Jonathan West
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
