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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-5635

Rollouts CLI on Konflux: 1) Setup and initial build of Rollouts Kubectl Plugin (CLI)


      Story (Required)

      See parent epic for big picture details.

      This is the Konflux instance we are using: https://console.redhat.com/application-pipeline/

      You will need access to Konflux first.

      This is where workspace where GitOps product resources are stored (I can grant you access, once you have Konflux access):

      Sketch of work

      First, as part of this story, the goal is just to get the repository setup, and the source code successfully building on Konflux. There is a followup story which continues this work, for example, by enabling hermetic builds.

      1) Create a Git repository with a sub-module to argo-rollouts

      2) Create Application, Component for that repo, via Konflux UI (https://console.redhat.com/application-pipeline/)

      • This process will onboard the repository onto Konflux
      • Create the Application/Component in the 'rh-openshift-gitops' workspace, so that other team members can see it, and help debug.
        • There is already another Application in that workspace, that can safely be ignored for this story.

      3) Fix the warnings/errors that are identified by Konflux build

      • For example, I saw a warning that was output because we weren't using a UBI image.

      4) Create a simple Konflux integration test that pulls the image, extracts the binaries, and verifies each of the expected platform binaries exists.

      Acceptance Criteria (Mandatory)

      • Initial GitHub repository exists in your own GitHub org, which has a sub-module reference to Argo Rollouts, and that GitHub repository references Argo Rollouts via sub-module.
      • Konflux build from the above repository is building without any errors or warnings in Konflux UI.
      • Manually test the resulting binaries, especially the web UI
      • Fix 'not a git repository' error that is seen in the current container output from my example repo
      • Konflux integration test is verifying that the binaries exist within the container image that is built.
      • All work should be within the 'rh-openshift-gitops' workspace.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            jgwest Jonathan West
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