Resolution: Not a Bug
Description of problem:
When trying to write a test for GITOPS-1919, we realized that no one of the different examples is working. The errors are various, so we start wondering if the problem is due to the lack of a proper Application example, or if this is an actual problem (if we are not able to install a simple example, I'm afraid most of the customers would be on the same page)
Steps to Reproduce
Some of the different manifests that we use to try to install this application are below, under the section Actual Results. In each of them, I describe the error shown by ArgoCD.
Actual results:
Example manifest:
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: test-gitops-2692 namespace: openshift-gitops spec: project: default syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: default sources: - repoURL: https://github.com/helm/charts targetRevision: master path: incubator/mongodb - repoURL: https://github.com/helm/charts targetRevision: master path: incubator/etcd - repoURL: https://helm.elastic.co # path is missing so no manifests are generated targetRevision: 7.7.0 ref: helmRepo # repo is available via symlink "$helmRepo" - repoURL: https://github.com/helm/charts targetRevision: master path: incubator/etcd # path "incubator/etcd" is used to generate manifests helm: valueFiles: - $helmRepo/values.yaml # values.yaml is located in source with reference name $helmRepo
ComparisonError rpc error: code = Unknown desc = repository not found
Example manifest:
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: test-gitops-2692 namespace: openshift-gitops spec: project: default syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: default sources: - repoURL: https://github.com/elastic/helm-charts targetRevision: HEAD ref: helmRepo - repoURL: 'https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts' chart: prometheus targetRevision: 15.7.1 helm: valueFiles: - $helmRepo/elasticsearch/examples/config/values.yaml
NAME SYNC STATUS HEALTH STATUS test-gitops-2692 OutOfSync Missing
Manifest Example:
Unable to find source-code formatter for language: yamkl. Available languages are: actionscript, ada, applescript, bash, c, c#, c++, cpp, css, erlang, go, groovy, haskell, html, java, javascript, js, json, lua, none, nyan, objc, perl, php, python, r, rainbow, ruby, scala, sh, sql, swift, visualbasic, xml, yamlapiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: test-gitops-2692 namespace: openshift-gitops spec: project: default syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: default sources: - repoURL: https://github.com/helm/examples targetRevision: HEAD ref: helmRepo - repoURL: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts chart: prometheus targetRevision: 15.7.1 helm: valueFiles: - $helmRepo/charts/hello-world/values.yaml
NAME SYNC STATUS HEALTH STATUS test-gitops-2692 OutOfSync Progressing
Expected results:
The Application is installed successfully