Resolution: Done
Upstream proposal: https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/blob/master/docs/proposals/multiple-sources-for-applications.md
Add optional ref field to Application Source
For making files accessible to other sources, add a new ref field to the source. For example, in below ApplicationSpec, we have added ref: myRepo to the my-repo repository and have used reference $myRepo to the elasticSearch repository.
spec: sources: - repoURL: https://github.com/my-org/my-repo # path is missing so no manifests are generated targetRevision: master ref: myRepo # repo is available via symlink "myRepo" - repoURL: https://github.com/helm/charts targetRevision: master path: incubator/elasticsearch # path "incubator/elasticsearch" is used to generate manifests helm: valueFiles: - $myRepo/values.yaml # values.yaml is located in source with reference name $myRepo
The file should be allowed to referenced for `spec.source.helm.valueFiles` and `spec.source.helm.fileParameters`.
Acceptance Criteria:
- "ref" variable is parsed successfully
- One source is able to fetch files from another source and Application manifest is generated successfully
- Unit tests are added and all current test scenarios pass successfully