Resolution: Won't Do
Description of problem:
Argo CD Application controller is stuck Syncing applications
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):
ArgoCD Version 1.7.0
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a cluster and applications using ACM
- Remove the cluster and its secret from GitOps
- The applications remains
- Application controller is stuck Syncing applications
Actual results:
The cluster is removed but applications running on it don't
Expected results:
The applications get also removed
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Build Details:
Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):
E0223 04:04:00.653127 1 diff.go:697] "msg"="Failed to convert from unstructured into Secret" "error"="error decoding from json: illegal base64 data at input byte 12"
$ fgrep -c "error decoding from json" openshift-gitops-application-controller-0-argocd-application-controller.log
time="2023-02-23T04:04:00Z" level=info msg="Comparing app state (cluster: https://kubernetes.default.svc, namespace: git-events)" application=openshift-gitops/cluster1-events
time="2023-02-23T04:04:00Z" level=info msg="getRepoObjs stats" application=openshift-gitops/cluster-events build_options_ms=0 helm_ms=0 plugins_ms=0 repo_ms=0 time_ms=5 unmarshal_ms=4 version_ms=0
E0223 04:04:00.653127 1 diff.go:697] "msg"="Failed to convert from unstructured into Secret" "error"="error decoding from json: illegal base64 data at input byte 12"
E0223 04:04:00.690523 1 diff.go:697] "msg"="Failed to convert from unstructured into Secret" "error"="error decoding from json: illegal base64 data at input byte 12"
time="2023-02-23T04:04:00Z" level=info msg="Update successful" application=openshift-gitops/cluster1-events
time="2023-02-23T13:21:54Z" level=info msg="Alloc=2372508 TotalAlloc=16985355093 Sys=8671797 NumGC=10571 Goroutines=9713"
time="2023-02-23T13:31:54Z" level=info msg="Alloc=2385076 TotalAlloc=16985483219 Sys=8671797 NumGC=10576 Goroutines=9713"
time="2023-02-23T13:41:54Z" level=info msg="Alloc=2390510 TotalAlloc=16985603015 Sys=8671797 NumGC=10581 Goroutines=9712"
time="2023-02-23T13:51:54Z" level=info msg="Alloc=2382914 TotalAlloc=16985716008 Sys=8671797 NumGC=10586 Goroutines=9712"
time="2023-02-23T14:01:54Z" level=info msg="Alloc=2379606 TotalAlloc=16985826893 Sys=8671797 NumGC=10591 Goroutines=9712"
time="2023-02-23T14:11:54Z" level=info msg="Alloc=2377274 TotalAlloc=16985936872 Sys=8671797 NumGC=10596 Goroutines=9700"
time="2023-02-23T13:05:51Z" level=error msg="Failed to reload open api schema" error="error getting openapi resources: Get \"https://api.git.subdomain.domain.com:6443/openapi/v2?timeout=32s\": dial tcp 10.110
.197.138:6443: i/o timeout" server="https://api.git.subdomain.domain.com:6443"
time="2023-02-23T13:05:51Z" level=info msg="Updated sync status: OutOfSync -> Unknown" application=git-openshift-generic dest-namespace=openshift-config dest-server="https://api.git.subdomain.domain.com:644
3" reason=ResourceUpdated type=Normal
time="2023-02-23T13:05:51Z" level=info msg="Updated sync status: OutOfSync -> Unknown" application=git-oauth dest-namespace=openshift-authentication dest-server="https://api.git.subdomain.domain.com:6443" r
eason=ResourceUpdated type=Normal
time="2023-02-23T15:41:54Z" level=info msg="Alloc=2402617 TotalAlloc=16986861125 Sys=8671797 NumGC=10640 Goroutines=9620"
- duplicates
GITOPS-2880 Argo CD application controller stops reconciling under certain circumstances
- Closed
GITOPS-3052 Argo CD application controller stops reconciling under certain circumstances
- Closed
GITOPS-2808 ArgoCD should handle failure to reach a cluster gracefully
- Closed
- is related to
GITOPS-2211 DeploymentConfig is OutOfSync most of the time
- Closed
GITOPS-2376 ExternalSecret is OutOfSync most of the time
- Closed