Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Syncing the following resource:
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1 kind: ExternalSecret metadata: name: fluent-bit-audit namespace: fluent-bit labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: fluent-bit-audit spec: refreshInterval: 1h secretStoreRef: name: ocpapp-cluster-secret-store kind: ClusterSecretStore target: name: fluent-bit-audit creationPolicy: Owner template: metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: fluent-bit-audit type: Opaque data: fluent-bit.conf: |- [SERVICE] Daemon Off Flush 5 Log_Level info Parsers_File parsers.conf Parsers_File custom_parsers.conf HTTP_Server On HTTP_Listen HTTP_Port 2020 Health_Check On [INPUT] Name forward Listen Port 24224 Buffer_Chunk_Size 1M Buffer_Max_Size 30M [OUTPUT] Name azure Match * Customer_ID {{ .LAWS_WSID | toString }} Shared_Key {{ .LAWS_KEY | toString }} Log_Type ocp_audit Retry_Limit 3 [OUTPUT] name splunk match * host {{ .SPLUNK_HOST | toString }} port 8088 event_index apigateway_test_openshiftaudit splunk_token {{ .SPLUNK_KEY | toString }} tls on tls.verify off Retry_Limit 3 [OUTPUT] name azure_blob match linux-audit* account_name {{ .LOG_RETN_BLOB_NAME | toString }} shared_key {{ .LOG_RETN_BLOB_KEY | toString }} blob_type blockblob path ocp-audit/linux-audit container_name ocp-audit tls on Retry_Limit 3 [OUTPUT] name azure_blob match k8s-audit* account_name {{ .LOG_RETN_BLOB_NAME | toString }} shared_key {{ .LOG_RETN_BLOB_KEY | toString }} blob_type blockblob path ocp-audit/k8s-audit container_name ocp-audit tls on Retry_Limit 3 [OUTPUT] name azure_blob match openshift-audit* account_name {{ .LOG_RETN_BLOB_NAME | toString }} shared_key {{ .LOG_RETN_BLOB_KEY | toString }} blob_type blockblob path ocp-audit/openshift-audit container_name ocp-audit tls on Retry_Limit 3 [OUTPUT] name azure_blob match kubernetes* account_name {{ .LOG_RETN_BLOB_NAME | toString }} shared_key {{ .LOG_RETN_BLOB_KEY | toString }} blob_type blockblob path ocp-audit/application-audit container_name ocp-audit tls on Retry_Limit 3 data: - secretKey: LAWS_WSID remoteRef: key: log-analytics-workspace-id-dc1 - secretKey: LAWS_KEY remoteRef: key: log-analytics-workspace-key-dc1 - secretKey: SPLUNK_HOST remoteRef: key: splunk-host-dc1 - secretKey: SPLUNK_KEY remoteRef: key: splunk-key-dc1 - secretKey: LOG_RETN_BLOB_NAME remoteRef: key: log-retn-blob-name-dc1 - secretKey: LOG_RETN_BLOB_KEY remoteRef: key: log-retn-blob-key-dc1
Utilizing External Secrets in strategy to access secrets from Azure Key Vault.
In ExternalSecrets, there is a resource `.spec.refreshInterval`. This value is default set at 1h. Our CRDs Also set this at 1h. The issue is that it is being parsed to `1h0m0s`. As such this is causing ArgoCD (OpenShift GitOps) to flag it as 'out of sync'.
Tried the workaround mentioned in the ticket GITOPS-2211 but it didn't work.
It is noted that External Secrets does have its own webhook that notices the same issue when deploying a CRD which is `apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1`. As the external secrets operator converts to `apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1`.
However instead of ArgoCD noticing the live manifest of `apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1` it ignores the managedFields update which progresses from `apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1` to `apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1`.
Even if the live manifest is physically updated to the repository format ArgoCD does not observe the change.
Business Impact:
DevOps support team is being distracted by out of sync flags for applications that are in-sync.
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-5215 GitOps 1.9 release notes
- Closed
- is related to
GITOPS-2211 DeploymentConfig is OutOfSync most of the time
- Closed
- relates to
GITOPS-2673 Argo CD Application controller is stuck Syncing applications
- Closed