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  1. Fuse Tooling
  2. FUSETOOLS-1287

Support the Camel Rest DSL


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Backlog
    • 10.0.0
    • Camel Editor
    • None
    • Fuse Tooling - Support Camel Rest DSL

      Support the Rest DSL in the Camel Editor.

      Rest DSL support (needs scoping & estimate)

      • separate tab with table of operations and links to routes? (new property tab?)
      • graphical representation in camel editor ?
      • look at Swagger editor for layout ideas? more tabular w/ resource path & set of operations – paths & verbs, content types, routes
      • something that approximates this kind of layout/design - http://www.idevnews.com/views/images/uploads/general/swagger-ui.png
      • maybe get UX team involved once we have an idea of our capabilities
      • look at http://www.apicur.io/ (has video to check out)

      SOAP to Rest (needs scoping & estimate) Wizard wrapping tdieselerā€™s java to generate Rest DSL project
      one-way high level wizard

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lheinema@redhat.com Lars Heinemann
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