Resolution: Unresolved
FacetX.isInstalled() will be called as soon as an Object is selected.
if isInstalled() == true the Facet is installed on the Object and Object.hasFacet(FacetX) == true.
When the Facet depend on a external resource, e.g. File like pom.xml, and when the pom.xml is changed outside of Forges reach, e.g. some editor/eclipse.
Object.hasFacet(FacetX) == true is still true, even tho Facet.isInstalled() == false at this point.
Forge should keep track of the underlying Faceted object state and reinitialize the installed Facets if it has changed since last.
Object.hasFacet(X.class) { if(lastModified != lastChecked)
{reinstall()}checkFacet() }.
- is related to
FORGE-1843 Project facets are not reloaded when pom.xml changes
- Closed