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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-196

Artemis does not start on HP-UX


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • A-MQ 7.0.0.GA
    • A-MQ 7.0.0.ER8
    • None
    • Broker - August Sprint

      As a first step in checking compatibility, I tried to
      1. create server instance and start it up
      2. compile and run examples
      3. open hawt.io console

      Nothing worked at first.

      Server instance cannot be created

      1. bin/artemis create ../jamq7-i0
        No such file or directory: bash

      HP-UX seems to have ksh and something they call the "POSIX shell" installed by default. Bash is not present.

      Replacing /usr/bin/env bash with /usr/bin/env sh allowed me to create the instance.
      I then had to do the same in the instance bin directory. Then I was able to run the server.

      I was also able to connect to the web console at this point.

      Many examples do not work

      The following examples failed. I am not attaching logs for all of them, because the error is always the same.

      artemis-mqtt-publish-example     dead-letter                      no-consumer-buffering            ssl-enabled-dual-authentication
      auto-closeable                   delayed-redelivery               non-transaction-failover         ssl-enabled
      bridge                           divert                           paging                           static-selector
      browser                          durable-subscription             pre-acknowledge                  stomp-embedded-interceptor
      client-kickoff                   expiry                           producer-rate-limit              stomp-jms
      client-side-fileoverlistener     ha-policy-autobackup             queue-message-redistribution     stomp
      client-side-load-balancing       http-transport                   queue-openwire                   stomp1.1
      clustered-durable-subscription   instantiate-connection-factory   queue-requestor                  stomp1.2
      clustered-grouping               interceptor-client               queue-selector                   symmetric-cluster
      clustered-jgroups                interceptor                      queue                            temp-queue
      clustered-queue                  jmx                              reattach-node                    topic-hierarchies
      clustered-static-discovery-uri   last-value-queue                 replicated-failback-static       topic-selector1
      clustered-static-discovery       management-notifications         replicated-failback              topic-selector2
      clustered-static-oneway          management                       replicated-multiple-failover     topic
      clustered-topic-uri              message-counters                 replicated-transaction-failover  transaction-failover
      clustered-topic                  message-group                    request-reply                    transactional
      colocated-failover-scale-down    message-group2                   scale-down                       xa-heuristic
      colocated-failover               message-listener                 scheduled-message                xa-receive
      completion-listener              message-priority                 security-ldap                    xa-send
      consumer-rate-limit              message-recovery                 security
      context                          multiple-failover-failback       send-acknowledgements
      core-bridge                      multiple-failover                shared-consumer

      The following examples succeeded.

      application-layer-failover  dup-send                    javascript-chat             proton-ruby
      artemis-jms-soak-example    embedded-simple             mixed-jms-rest              push
      broker-modules              embedded                    openwire-perf               spring-integration

      The error for all the failed examples except interceptor-client was

      [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.activemq:artemis-maven-plugin:1.3.0.amq-700001-redhat-1:cli (start) on project interceptor: Cannot run program "./artemis" (in directory "/opt/jdanek/A-MQ7-7.0.0.ER8-redhat-1/examples/features/standard/interceptor/target/server0/bin"): ./artemis: not found -> [Help 1]

      The error for interceptor-client is a packaging problem and is already reported as ENTMQ-1749

            csuconic@redhat.com Clebert Suconic
            jdanek@redhat.com Jiri Daněk
            Jiri Daněk Jiri Daněk
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            6 Start watching this issue
