Resolution: Done
A-MQ 7.0.0.ER7
Installation script and "run" script of A-MQ 7 broker fails to run with previously mentioned configuration.
JVM crashes with following exception:
2:48:00 (0) 0x60000000c8cea0a0 VMError::report_and_die{_ZN7VMError14report_and_dieEv} + 0x5e0 at /wsp/jinteg/SVN/jinteg_h8.0.04.rc2b1/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/vmError.cpp:970 [/qa/tools/opt/hpux_ia/java8_04/jre/lib/IA64N/server/libjvm.so] 12:48:00 (1) 0x60000000c86f6c60 os::Hpux::JVM_handle_hpux_signal{_ZN2os4Hpux22JVM_handle_hpux_signalEiP9__siginfoPvi} + 0x700 at /wsp/jinteg/SVN/jinteg_h8.0.04.rc2b1/hotspot/src/os_cpu/hp-ux_ia64/vm/os_hp-ux_ia64.cpp:1118 [/qa/tools/opt/hpux_ia/java8_04/jre/lib/IA64N/server/libjvm.so] 12:48:00 (2) 0x60000000c86c8320 os::Hpux::signalHandler{_ZN2os4Hpux13signalHandlerEiP9__siginfoPv} + 0xe0 at /wsp/jinteg/SVN/jinteg_h8.0.04.rc2b1/hotspot/src/os/hp-ux/vm/os_hp-ux.cpp:4426 [/qa/tools/opt/hpux_ia/java8_04/jre/lib/IA64N/server/libjvm.so] 12:48:00 (3) 0xe0000001301cb440 ---- Signal 4 (SIGILL) delivered ---- 12:48:00 (4) 0x20000000754138a0 12:48:00 *** Internal error (-3) while unwinding stack [/wsp/jinteg/SVN/jinteg_h8.0.04.rc2b1/hotspot/src/os_cpu/hp-ux_ia64/vm/thread_hp-ux_ia64.cpp:146] *** 12:48:00 # 12:48:00 # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: 12:48:00 # 12:48:00 # SIGILL (4) at pc=754138a0, pid=22507, tid=1 12:48:00 # 12:48:00 # JRE version: (8.0_04-b02) (build ) 12:48:00 # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (25.04-b2 mixed mode hp-ux-ia64 ) 12:48:00 # Problematic frame: 12:48:00 # j java.lang.Thread.isDaemon()Z+4 12:48:00 # 12:48:00 # Core dump written. Default location: /hudson_workspace/workspace/eap7-amq7-testsuite-hpux/a6f70f63/third-party-testquite/tests/src/test/config/amq7/install/target/jboss-a-mq-install/bin/core or core.22507 (max size 2097151 kB). To ensure a full core dump, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again 12:48:00 # 12:48:00 # An error report file with more information is saved as: 12:48:00 # /hudson_workspace/workspace/eap7-amq7-testsuite-hpux/a6f70f63/third-party-testquite/tests/src/test/config/amq7/install/target/jboss-a-mq-install/bin/hs_err_pid22507.log 12:48:00 # 12:48:00 # Please report this error to HP customer support. 12:48:00 # 12:48:00 @(#)Unexpected Exception regs: see 0x79790f60 12:48:00 12:48:00 Current pc:- 12:48:00 pc: 0x20000000754138a0 12:48:00 12:48:00 Context Branch Registers:- 12:48:00 br0: 0x2000000075406480 12:48:00 br1: 0x2000000075429170 12:48:00 br2: 0x60000000c0069300 12:48:00 br3: 0x0 12:48:00 br4: 0x0 12:48:00 br5: 0x0 12:48:00 br6: 0x2000000075413880 12:48:00 br7: 0x2000000075429420 12:48:00 12:48:00 Context bspstore = 0x20000000797ffc20 12:48:00 Context bsp = 0x20000000797ffc20 12:48:00 number of stacked grs = 4 12:48:00 bsp of signalling frame = 0x20000000797ffc00 12:48:00 predicate registers = 0x9281 12:48:00 12:48:00 General Register contents at error:- 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 1: 0x2000000079718938 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 2: 0x45f8b4 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 3: 0x45f8b0 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 4: 0x466800 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 5: 0x200000007fffcd20 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 6: 0x7ff0f000 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 7: 0x798fd000 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 8: 0x5fc05720 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 9: 0x0 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 10: 0x466818 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 11: 0x40ed40 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 12: 0x200000007fffcd00 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 13: 0x20000000797ccfe0 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 14: 0x2000000075413880 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 15: 0x0 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 16: 0x45f8a4 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 17: 0x1 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 18: 0x2000000075406480 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 19: 0x0 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 20: 0x314a28a0 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 21: 0x15 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 22: 0x31426520 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 23: 0x31425318 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 24: 0x5 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 25: 0x5 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 26: 0x31426520 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 27: 0x31425318 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 28: 0x9 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 29: 0x31426520 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 30: 0x45f8bc 12:48:00 nat:0 gr 31: 0x45f8b8 12:48:00 12:48:00 Stacked General Registers contents at error:- 12:48:00 gr 32 = 0x31426520 12:48:00 gr 33 = 0x20000000797ffb50 12:48:00 gr 34 = 0x2000000079718938 12:48:00 gr 35 = 0xc000000000000a99 12:48:00 12:48:00 Unflushed Caller Register Summary at error:- 12:48:00 number of unflushed caller registers= 0 12:48:26 setup_eap7.sh: line 62: 22507 ABORT instruction (core dumped) ./artemis create --allow-anonymous --password any --user any --role amq $JBOSS_AMQ_HOME
With java version ""
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build everything works fine.
- is related to
JBEAP-5410 (7.1.0) Fatal JVM error during server start with standalone-full-ha.xml configuration on Solaris sparc and HPUX
- Verified
- relates to
ENTMQBR-196 Artemis does not start on HP-UX
- Closed