Resolution: Done
Export API definition
To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Fuse 7.2 Sprint 34
As a developer or API owner, I want the ability to import the Open API definition (including Fuse Online) for an API I've implemented into an API management solution (e.g. 3scale). This requires an Open API definition to be resolvable for an API service at runtime. The API definition should be available whether the API is design-first or implementation-first. In the case where the API is design-first, the original API definition in the Fuse project should be made available at runtime (not separate generated API definition). If the implementation project does not include an API definition, then a definition should be generated at runtime.
- Comments in the API definition provided are preserved on import to 3scale (full fidelity).
- Import to 3scale should complete correctly.
- Both design first and implementation-first scenarios allow for import into 3scale.
- is related to
THREESCALE-1587 Unable to import service if path annotation is empty or "/"
- Closed