Resolution: Done
Project from APICurio
To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Fuse 7.2 Sprint 34
Fuse project generation from Apicurio
As a developer, I would like to generate an API implementation project based on my API definition ( an OpenAPI 2.0 spec). Multiple API implementation options should be possible (Fuse, RHOAR etc), but as an Integration customer my primary interest is in generating only Fuse projects. The generated Fuse project should provide a default/skeleton implementation of the API definition using Camel’s REST DSL covering all resource operations. The project should also include the original Open API definition used to generate the project.
Generation of the project should result in a downloadable zip file that contains a complete Maven project. The project should be buildable and deployable as is. The project should be importable into Fuse Tooling with no errors/warnings.
The project should use reasonable defaults to configure the fabric8 maven plugin for generating Kubernetes service metadata, allowing the API to be discovered and imported into 3scale.
openapi 2.0
- In Apicurio, when I provide or create a definition, I can generate Fuse project.
- The resulting skeleton code has placeholders for every operation in the APi definition
- When I create a project I am provided a complete maven project in downloadable zip.
- The downloadable project is buildable without error or warnings
- The project is importable in Fuse tooling (Che is a nice to have also).
- The zip file contains the origional API definition incuding comments
- The project should use reasonable defaults to configure the fabric8 maven plugin for generating Kubernetes service metadata, allowing the API to be discovered and imported into 3scale.
- is related to
ENTESB-9252 Generation of Kube service annotations for Fuse API projects
- Closed
ENTESB-9395 Add Apicurito to the Dev/Productization build pipelines
- Closed
- links to