Reproducing the profile has three parts:
A. Show that wrap: with BND credentials does work outside Fabric8
B. Show that the feature we are adding does work in a Fabric8 set-up, without the use of wrap:
C. Show that the feature fails in a fabric with wrap: and BND properties
A. Verify that the feature with the wrapped bundle works in non-fabric mode
A1. Unpack, build, and deploy (mvn install)
A2. Unpack, build, and deploy (mvn install)
A3. You may need to edit the feature XML file in the local Maven repo ($HOME/.m2/repository/net/kevinboone/apacheintegration/bndfeature/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/bndfeature-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-features.xml) so that the xmlns attribute refers to features/v1.0.0 (I seem to get v1.3.0, which does not work at all)
A4. Install and start Fuse 6.2.0
A5. Create the file /tmp/ (can be empty)
A6. Do not create a fabric at this stage
A7. > features:addurl mvn:net.kevinboone.apacheintegration/bndfeature/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
A8. > features:install bndfeature
A9. Check that the bundle entitled "A Camel Route" is loaded – this shows that the feature installed correctly
B. Verify that the feature with the plain (not wrapped) bundle works in fabric mode
B1. Create a fabric (fabric:create, etc) and a child container
B2. Edit the feature XML file so that the <bundle> element looks like this (without the wrap: stuff)
B3. Add this feature to a profile, and add the profile to the child container, along with a profile that installs the Camel dependencies
> container-create-child root test
> profile-create testprofile
> profile-edit --repositories mvn:net.kevinboone.apacheintegration/bndfeature/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features testprofile
> profile-edit --features bndfeature testprofile
> container-add-profile test example-camel-autotest
> container-add-profile test testprofile
B4. Conenect to the container and verify that the "A Camel Route" bundle has been installed
C. See that the feature with the wrapped bundle does not work in fabric mode
C1. Create a new child container test2 (stop and remove the previous child container test if required)
C2. Edit the feature XML file so that the <bundle> element looks like this (without the wrap: stuff)
Repeat step B3 with this changed bundle, to add the feature to a container
> container-create-child root test2
> profile-create testprofile2
> profile-edit --repositories mvn:net.kevinboone.apacheintegration/bndfeature/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features testprofile2
> profile-edit --features bndfeature testprofile2
> container-add-profile test2 example-camel-autotest
> container-add-profile test2 testprofile2
C3. Note that the container does not provision. It either gets stuck in the "Analyzing" or "Downloading" states, or there is an error message in the logs about a malformed Maven URI.