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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-4788

Fabric profiles should support a bundle specification that uses wrap: with BND instructions in a file


    • % %
    • 7.0 Sprint 16, 7.0 Sprint 17 - Tech Preview 1

      In a stand-alone Fuse container, it is possible to install an OSGi bundle using the wrap: protocol like this:

      wrap:mvn:[maven URI of JAR file],mvn:[maven URI of BND instructions file]/bnd


      wrap:mvn:[maven URI of JAR file],file:[file URI of BDN instructions file]

      Both these forms allow the administrator to provide a file of attributes that control how the wrap protocol is applied. These attributes are name-value pairs of the following form:


      This URI format, with a BND file, is not supported in fabric profiles. I appears that the necessary implementation is missing – see https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ENTESB-4400.

      An ability to specify BND properties is useful when working with 3rd-party libraries, and there are legal restrictions on manipulating them. In principle, it is simple enough to repack the library with the necessary OSGi attributes in MANIFEST.MF, but this might be outside the allowed usage terms.

      It is inconvenient that a feature that works properly in standalone Fuse is absent in fabric operation, for reasons that are not clear to users.

            g_nodet Guillaume Nodet (Inactive)
            rhn-support-kboone Kevin Boone
            Jan Kasztura Jan Kasztura (Inactive)
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