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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-14406

Provide metering labels for Camel K Operator and deployed pods



    • Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Blocker
    • camel-k-1.6.4-GA
    • None
    • Camel-K
    • None


      For context see ENTESB-14348

      Metering labels are product only and should not be present on upstream.
      Metering labels should be set on pods representing the workloads that may consume cpu/memory resources.
      Althoug we use the pod to represent the workload, the correct place to set the labels are in the Deployment objects.
      The metering labels should contain the following labels:

      com.company: Red_Hat                # company name
      rht.prod_name: Red_Hat_Integration  # main product name
      rht.prod_ver: 2021.Q4               # product version
      rht.comp: Camel-K                   # Component name
      rht.comp_ver: 1.6.0                 # Component version
      rht.subcomp: <integration name>     # Subcomponent name
      rht.subcomp_t: infrastructure OR application # sub component type (1)

      1. "infrastructure" are set to pods running infrastructure code, for example building the app, operator for managing all the camel-k pieces. "application" is for the pods actually running the customer workloads, the integration pods.

      These are the proposed labels for the various Camel K workload components:

      com.company: Red_Hat
      rht.prod_name: Red_Hat_Integration
      rht.prod_ver: 2021.Q4
      rht.comp: Camel-K
      rht.comp_ver: 1.6.0
      rht.subcomp: <integration name>
      rht.subcomp_t: application

      Camel K Operator
      com.company: Red_Hat
      rht.prod_name: Red_Hat_Integration
      rht.prod_ver: 2021.Q4
      rht.comp: Camel-K
      rht.comp_ver: 1.6.0
      rht.subcomp: camel-k-operator
      rht.subcomp_t: infrastructure

      Camel K Building Kit
      com.company: Red_Hat
      rht.prod_name: Red_Hat_Integration
      rht.prod_ver: 2021.Q4
      rht.comp: Camel-K
      rht.comp_ver: 1.6.0
      rht.subcomp: camel-k-kit-<id>
      rht.subcomp_t: infrastructure

      CronJob Integration
      com.company: Red_Hat
      rht.prod_name: Red_Hat_Integration
      rht.prod_ver: 2021.Q4
      rht.comp: Camel-K
      rht.comp_ver: 1.6.0
      rht.subcomp: cron-<id>
      rht.subcomp_t: application

      There are more components, to be added later.


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              cmiranda@redhat.com Claudio Miranda
              garygaughan Gary Gaughan (Inactive)
              Mario Majernik Mario Majernik
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

