[quicklab@master-0 fuse-online-install-1.7]$ oc create user syndesis_user
user.user.openshift.io/syndesis_user created
[quicklab@master-0 fuse-online-install-1.7]$ sudo htpasswd -b /etc/origin/master/htpasswd syndesis_user syndesis_password
Adding password for user syndesis_user
[quicklab@master-0 fuse-online-install-1.7]$ bash install_ocp.sh --setup
Installing Syndesis CRD
[quicklab@master-0 fuse-online-install-1.7]$ bash install_ocp.sh --grant syndesis_user --cluster
Grant permission to create Syndesis to user syndesis_user
[quicklab@master-0 fuse-online-install-1.7]$ oc login -u syndesis_user -p syndesis_password
Login successful.
You don't have any projects. You can try to create a new project, by running
oc new-project <projectname>
[quicklab@master-0 fuse-online-install-1.7]$ oc new-project syndesis-installation
Now using project "syndesis-installation" on server "https:.
You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
oc new-app centos/ruby-25-centos7~https:
to build a new example application in Ruby.
[quicklab@master-0 fuse-online-install-1.7]$ bash install_ocp.sh
pull secret 'syndesis-pull-secret' is missing, creating ...
Ensuring imagestreams in syndesis-installation
Deploying Syndesis operator
ERROR: Cannot create remote resource https:[quicklab@master-0 fuse-online-install-1.7]$