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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-2979

If column.include.list/column.exclude.list are used and the target table receives an update for the excluded (or not included) column - such events should be ignored


    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Hide


      1. Configure connector to replicate a table with multiple columns, but excluding column Z.
      2. Update any row changing it only in column Z.


      Connector will generate a new message to kafka topic.


      Connector should check that the list of changes happens only in the columns that are not to be replicated and thus NO message should be sent to kafka topic.

      STR: Configure connector to replicate a table with multiple columns, but excluding column Z. Update any row changing it only in column Z. AR: Connector will generate a new message to kafka topic. ER: Connector should check that the list of changes happens only in the columns that are not to be replicated and thus NO message should be sent to kafka topic.

      There are these settings for the connector:


      They allow me to set a number of columns that I want to be replicated and this means that I don't care about the rest of the columns in the replicated tables.

      Yet if a table's row receives an update - this triggers the connector to generate a message to Kafka topic irregardless of the set of fields altered by the update.

      This is wrong.

      The connector should compare the list of updated fields in the updated row with the list of columns that are specified for the replication: if there is no intersection between these lists - then connector should NOT generate a message to kafka.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ilya.konyakhin Ilya Konyakhin (Inactive)
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