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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-252

Improve MySQL connector's handling of DML / DDL statements


      Skip procedures/triggers/functions parsing, since they don't bring any value for schema-evaluation functionality but frequently break connector.

      Here is a problem background :

      We have done a lot of testing of our DBZ-based solution and the only problem we've had (multiple issues were created and already fixed – thanks for that) – DDL parsing of routines (functions, stored procedures and triggers). It's real pain, because every time we are finding new cases. And the problem is that we can't really control all what is happening on physical MySQL server, we only have an access to certain schemas, which need to be streamed. So, another teams may create new trigger/SP/Function with some messy definition on their own schemas, what still will be accepted by MySQL, but what can easily break our connector. It has happened multiple times already on our CERT environment and it's currently a main blocker we have to move to PROD.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            anton_nazaruk Anton Nazaruk (Inactive)
            3 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
