We need to test CRW 2.2.0 release candidates according to CRW 2.2.0 Test Plan on OpenShift 4.4, 3.11, 4.5.
In case of enough time & resources available, we will perform smoke tests on OCP 4.3.
- is related to
CRW-967 Installation of CRW with OS OAuth by crwctl with operator installer failed because operator was unable to get openshift oauth
- Resolved
CRW-930 quay.io/crw/operator-rhel8:2.2-7 image failed to install CRW 2.2.0.RC0
- Closed
CRW-933 RH SSO deployment had failed in quay.io/crw/operator-rhel8:2.2-8 due to invalid path to cacerts file
- Closed
CRW-944 quay.io/crw/server-rhel8:2.2-4 failed to startup of application server
- Closed
CRW-948 quay.io/crw/operator-metadata:2.2-14 contains incorrect SHA of quay.io/crw/devfileregistry-rhel8:2.2 image
- Closed
CRW-957 Can't start new workspace because mkdir pod failed to start because of PVC binding timeout
- Closed
CRW-958 Can't start workspace because admission webhook "mutate-ws-resources.che-workspace-controller.svc" denied the request: 'org.eclipse.che.workspace/creator' label is missing.
- Closed
CRW-949 Cannot start workspace from java devfiles
- Closed
CRW-945 initStacksTest.sh failed after switching to Eclipse Che 7.14.x typescript selenium tests codebase
- Closed
CRW-929 Adapt CRW 2.x testing pipelines to test CRW 2.2.0
- Closed
CRW-940 Cleanup java selenium tests for CRW 2.2.0
- Closed
CRW-946 E2E user story test pipeline doesn't fail after initStacksTest.sh failed
- Closed
CRW-947 com.redhat.codeready.selenium.ocpoauth.** E2E tests failed on CRW 2.2.0.RC0
- Closed
- relates to
CRW-961 quay.io/crw/pluginregistry-rhel8:2.2-137 references to registry.redhat.io
- Closed
CRW-937 Align E2E user stories tests to CRW 2.2.0 workspace devfiles
- Closed
CRW-953 Update E2E automated tests to check migration from CRW 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 by using OperatorHub
- Closed
CRW-1020 Update Jenkins pipelines which check installation of CRW in https mode using OperatorHub with external RH SSO / Postgres
- Closed