
    • False
    • None
    • False

      Reconnecting to the running DevWorkspace, after closing JetBrians Client, requires restarting the DevWorkspace.
      It should be possible to reconnect to a running DevWorkspace with the JetBrains Client.


      1. Connect local JetBrains Client to a running DevWorkspace via Gateway using the DevSpaces Gateway plugin
      2. Close local JetBrains Client, but keep the IDE backend running:
      3. Try to connect to the same DevWorkspace again. Gateway does not connect, but shows this dialog instead:


      If I attempt to connect without using the DevSpaces Gateway plugin:

      • enabling the port forwarding in the local terminal
      • get a TCP link and provide it to 'Connect with a Link' page

      the following ^^ error message is shown.


        1. image-2024-02-16-15-32-55-412.png
          76 kB
          Artem Zatsarynnyi
        2. image-2024-02-16-15-21-25-299.png
          118 kB
          Artem Zatsarynnyi
        3. image-2024-02-16-15-19-27-918.png
          196 kB
          Artem Zatsarynnyi

            abazko Anatolii Bazko
            azatsary Artem Zatsarynnyi
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
