Resolution: Done
CRW 2.1 Overall Epic
RHDP-232 - 1. Maintain existing portfolio commitments
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
CRW 2.1.0
AirGap Support
Airgapped maven build not respecting settings.xml overrides for maven central #14857 - workaround found
- The plan. In particular:
- Document how to configure Che properties using the operator CR
- Document how to setup CRW in AirGap mode
Use RHEL based Images PROD TEAM / IDE2 TEAM / Florent
Complete list of server, runtime, & sidecar containers involved in CRW 2 productization
- add missing sync jobs for internals containers (pluginbrokers, machineexec, etc.)
Devfile registry airgap version (projects included) - not working – would need to precache these projects zips in a tarball and expand them in Brew build
https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/14573 - build vsix files - @mkuznets - node-debug2 done, waiting for the rest of the vsix files to be built in-house now
- CRW 2.1 devfiles LANGUAGES TEAM
Other 2.1.0 related issues
- Remove references MS marketplace vsix #14677 and #14573 PROD TEAM @mkuznets
- chectl distribution
- Add offline flag to chectl server:start #14699 [target Che 7.4 / CRW 2.1, stretch goal for 2.0]
- Improve release versioning process -
CRW-512 - Support macos catalina (notary requirement) -
- Git+SSH improvements IDE1 TEAM
- Smoother install: Change some che-server defaults PLATFORM TEAM
- clones
CRW-313 CRW 2.0 Overall Epic / Do All The Things!
- Closed
- incorporates
CRW-565 CRW 2.1 - Create / improve syncs between up and downstream projects
- Closed
CRW-289 Stack with JWS 3.1, Tomcat, openjdk11, Red Hat AMQP
- Closed
- is cloned by
CRW-756 CRW 2.2 Overall Epic
- Closed
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-1077 Document workspace use in restricted env
- Closed
RHDEVDOCS-1581 Document the various places where Che can be configured
- Closed
RHDEVDOCS-1582 Fix and unify language of in-app messages
- Closed