Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3474

Insufficient CPU and insufficent memory errors are not caught at workspaces startup


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Release Notes
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      = Fixed error message delay when workspaces failed to start due to insufficient CPU or memory

      Before this update, when workspaces failed to start due to insufficient CPU or memory in available cluster nodes, there was a UI delay in notifying the user. The dashboard *Progress* tab remained at *Waiting for workspace to start* until the workspace startup timeout, and only then the error message *Failed to open the workspace* appeared. With this update, the {prod-short} Operator aborts workspace startup if it detects an unschedulable condition and then quickly displays the following error message: *Failed to open the workspace: Pod is unschedulable: __<reasons_and_statuses>__*.
      = Fixed error message delay when workspaces failed to start due to insufficient CPU or memory Before this update, when workspaces failed to start due to insufficient CPU or memory in available cluster nodes, there was a UI delay in notifying the user. The dashboard *Progress* tab remained at *Waiting for workspace to start* until the workspace startup timeout, and only then the error message *Failed to open the workspace* appeared. With this update, the {prod-short} Operator aborts workspace startup if it detects an unschedulable condition and then quickly displays the following error message: *Failed to open the workspace: Pod is unschedulable: __<reasons_and_statuses>__*.
    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      When the CPU or the memory requested to start a workspace are higher than the maximum available CPU in the cluster nodes, the scheduler fails right away. But the Dev Spaces user is notified only after the workspace startup timeout (5 minutes) and the message doesn't provide any clue about the origin of the problem.

      Here are two devfiles:

      Some screenshots:

      Insufficient CPU on a Dev Spaces 3.3 instance with ?che-editor=che-incubator/che-code/insiders:

      Insufficient CPU on the dogfooding cluster:

      Insufficient memory on the dogfooding cluster:

      In all cases the workspace fails to start after 5 minutes:

        1. screenshot-1.png
          81 kB
          Ilya Buziuk
        2. image-2022-10-26-01-14-39-284.png
          596 kB
          Mario Loriedo
        3. image-2022-10-26-01-00-20-254.png
          41 kB
          Mario Loriedo
        4. image-2022-10-26-00-55-43-264.png
          721 kB
          Mario Loriedo
        5. image-2022-10-26-00-51-36-106.png
          518 kB
          Mario Loriedo

            aobuchow Andrew Obuchowicz
            mloriedo Mario Loriedo
            Max Leonov Max Leonov
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
