Resolution: Won't Do
Release Notes
Known Issue
Workaround Exists
Test scenario with :
1) deploy DS 3.1.0.RC-07-25 to OCP 4.10
2) open factory URL <DS-url>/#/https://github.com/devspaces-samples/microprofile-quickstart/tree/devspaces-3.0-rhel-8?che-editor=che-incubator/che-code/insiders
Expected result:
https://github.com/devspaces-samples/microprofile-quickstart/tree/devspaces-3.0-rhel-8 project has been opened in VS Code Editor
Actual wrong result:
There was an empty screen and error in browser console when start "microprofile-quickstart" project using VS code editor:
"?folder=/projects/microprofile-quickstart:40 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object" when start
Test environment:
- DS 3.1.0.RC-07-25 respin based on devspaces-operator-bundle:3.1-166
- OCP 4.10 deployed by Cluster Bot to AWS
- Index image v4.10: brew.registry.redhat.io/rh-osbs/iib:279630
- quay.io/devspaces/code-rhel8:3.1-2
- DS images: https://brewweb.engineering.redhat.com/brew/buildinfo?buildID=2097052
- Browser: Google Chrome Version 102.0.5005.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)
sh-4.4$ cat v3/plugins/che-incubator/che-code/insiders/devfile.yaml schemaVersion: 2.1.0 metadata: name: che-code commands: - id: init-container-command apply: component: che-code-injector events: preStart: - init-container-command components: - name: che-code-runtime-description container: image: quay.io/devspaces/udi-rhel8:3.1 command: - /checode/entrypoint-volume.sh volumeMounts: - name: checode path: /checode memoryLimit: 1024Mi memoryRequest: 256Mi cpuLimit: 500m cpuRequest: 30m endpoints: - name: che-code attributes: type: main cookiesAuthEnabled: true discoverable: false urlRewriteSupported: true targetPort: 3100 exposure: public path: '?tkn=eclipse-che' secure: false protocol: https - name: code-redirect-1 attributes: discoverable: false urlRewriteSupported: true targetPort: 13131 exposure: public protocol: http - name: code-redirect-2 attributes: discoverable: false urlRewriteSupported: true targetPort: 13132 exposure: public protocol: http - name: code-redirect-3 attributes: discoverable: false urlRewriteSupported: true targetPort: 13133 exposure: public protocol: http attributes: app.kubernetes.io/component: che-code-runtime app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che-code.eclipse.org - name: checode volume: {} - name: che-code-injector container: image: quay.io/devspaces/code-rhel8:3.1 command: - /entrypoint-init-container.sh volumeMounts: - name: checode path: /checode memoryLimit: 128Mi memoryRequest: 32Mi cpuLimit: 500m cpuRequest: 30m
Workspace had running status in Dashboard GUI:
Test scenario with "NodeJS configmap" devfile
1) deploy DS 3.1.0.RC-07-25 to OCP 4.10
2) open factory URL *<DS-url>/#/https://github.com/devspaces-samples/nodejs-configmap/tree/devspaces-3.0-rhel-8?che-editor=che-incubator/che-code/insiders*
Loading of workspace end up with empty page and "net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID" error message in web console of browser:
- duplicates
CRW-3030 [KI] for CRW-2910: The Welcome tab is empty after Theia loading
- Resolved
CRW-2910 The Welcome tab is empty after Theia loading
- Closed
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-4748 Troubleshooting procedure regarding TLS certificates
- Open