Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-2981

Golang Workspace stuck in terminating state when try to delete the workspace after build


    • False
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    • False
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      = Golang sample workspaces cannot be deleted on IBM Power

      Currently on IBM Power, a workspace based on the Golang sample project might create files with file permissions that prevent workspace deletion.


      * Ask an administrator to delete the workspace.
      = Golang sample workspaces cannot be deleted on IBM Power Currently on IBM Power, a workspace based on the Golang sample project might create files with file permissions that prevent workspace deletion. .Workaround * Ask an administrator to delete the workspace.
    • Known Issue
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      1. install IBM Power OCP 4.10 cluster
      2. # Install DS 3.0.0 ER 05-12.
      3. Create che cluster
      4. Open Devspaces dashboard
      5. Create  golang workspace from sample workspaces
      6. Trigger build.
      7. Attempt to Stop and delete the workspace (fails)
      install IBM Power OCP 4.10 cluster # Install DS 3.0.0 ER 05-12. Create che cluster Open Devspaces dashboard Create  golang workspace from sample workspaces Trigger build. Attempt to Stop and delete the workspace (fails)

      Golang workspace is stuck in terminating state on IBM Power when build is done and then try to delete the workspace,

      Need to remove the entire DS 3.0.0 to get out of the terminating state.

      The error is being observed on IBM Power only while deleting the golang workspace.

        1. cleanup-workspace6fa63e34202b497d-c62vz-cleanup-workspace6fa63e34202b497d.log
          0.8 kB
          Sachin Itagi
        2. golang_build.PNG
          60 kB
          Sachin Itagi
        3. golang_stop.PNG
          41 kB
          Sachin Itagi
        4. golang_terminating.PNG
          40 kB
          Sachin Itagi
        5. image-2022-05-19-18-03-25-862.png
          228 kB
          Yogita Kulkarni

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              sachinitagi Sachin Itagi
              Max Leonov Max Leonov
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
