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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-2094

Bitbucket public/private repo factory fails for BitBucket server deployed to different OCP


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      = {prod-short} fails to resolve devfiles for Bitbucket factory for public repositories

      Bitbucket factory URL fails for public repositories outside {ocp} for {prod-short} without Bitbucket OAuth enabled.


      . Add the TLS sefl-signed certificate to the {prod-short} instance, see link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_workspaces/2.9/html-single/installation_guide/index#importing-untrusted-tls-certificates_crw[Importing untrusted TLS certificates to CodeReady Workspaces].
      = {prod-short} fails to resolve devfiles for Bitbucket factory for public repositories Bitbucket factory URL fails for public repositories outside {ocp} for {prod-short} without Bitbucket OAuth enabled. .Workaround . Add the TLS sefl-signed certificate to the {prod-short} instance, see link: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_workspaces/2.9/html-single/installation_guide/index#importing-untrusted-tls-certificates_crw [Importing untrusted TLS certificates to CodeReady Workspaces].
    • Workaround Exists
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      Add TLS sefl-signed certificate to CRW, as it is described in https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_workspaces/2.9/html-single/installation_guide/index#importing-untrusted-tls-certificates_crw
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      1. Deploy BitBucket on-prem server outside OCP with testing CRW.

      2. Setting up BitBucket on-prem server to work with testing CRW instance Refer https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cvza0jFLrpTdBtggpFoIobqGpFho8u1hwaVJH6gB1HQ/ 
      It shouldn't necessarily be server on IBM Power. Already installed BitBucket server on AWS  is used 

      3. Set CHE API ENDPOINT as
      4. For creating workspace from BitBucket server factory on CRW instance on IBM Power for which I am trying as
      CRW starts  but gives error as "Failed to resolve devfile"

      1. Deploy BitBucket on-prem server outside OCP with testing CRW. 2. Setting up BitBucket on-prem server to work with testing CRW instance Refer  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cvza0jFLrpTdBtggpFoIobqGpFho8u1hwaVJH6gB1HQ/   It shouldn't necessarily be server on IBM Power. Already installed BitBucket server on AWS  is used  3. Set CHE API ENDPOINT as "CHE_INTEGRATION_BITBUCKET_SERVER__ENDPOINTS":" https://bitbucket-bitbucket.apps.ocp47-aws.crw-qe.com "   4. For creating workspace from BitBucket server factory on CRW instance on IBM Power for which I am trying as https://codeready-crw-crwctl-ext-db.apps.ghatwala-46- CRW starts  but gives error as "Failed to resolve devfile"

      Bitbucket repo factory should work for public repository by setting CHE_INTEGRATION_BITBUCKET_SERVER__ENDPOINTS only. But in current implementation It will not work without configure Bitbucket OAuth with BitBucket server deployed outside of OCP.

      It did work with BitBuscket server deployed on the same OCP where CRW had been installed.

        1. crw210-z--bb-factory.png
          336 kB
          Dmytro Nochevnov
        2. Bitbucket_CheCluster_CR.txt
          8 kB
          Yogita Kulkarni
        3. image (6).png
          260 kB
          Yogita Kulkarni
        4. log_bitbucket.txt
          0.6 kB
          Yogita Kulkarni

              skabashn Sergii Kabashniuk
              yogitakulkarni Yogita Kulkarni (Inactive)
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              4 Start watching this issue
