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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1965

Productize new backup-rhel8 container - required for Operator support of automated backup and restore of server components

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      // Duplicate Release Note item with https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CRW-1878

      = {prod-short} Operator supports automated backup and restores of {prod-short} server components

      To start a backup or restore operation, choose one of the available methods:

      * Use the {prod-cli} command-line tool.
      * Create a dedicated CustomResource: CheClusterBackup or CheClusterRestore.

      The backup contains {prod-short} server components. Users' workspaces objects are not included.
      // Duplicate Release Note item with https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CRW-1878 = {prod-short} Operator supports automated backup and restores of {prod-short} server components To start a backup or restore operation, choose one of the available methods: * Use the {prod-cli} command-line tool. * Create a dedicated CustomResource: CheClusterBackup or CheClusterRestore. The backup contains {prod-short} server components. Users' workspaces objects are not included.

      Productization requirements:

      • in midstream repo, create container.yaml and content_sets.yml files to define how to build in brew and from which RPM repos; these will be synced to downstream and used by Brew.
      • update deployment yaml in 2.11 and 2.x branches (see codeready-workspaces-operator/build/scripts/sync*.sh) to replace this:
                  - name: RELATED_IMAGE_internal_rest_backup_server
                    value: quay.io/eclipse/che-backup-server-rest:eeacd92


                  - name: RELATED_IMAGE_internal_rest_backup_server
                    value: registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/backup-rhel8:2.11



              mmorhun Mykola Morhun
              mmaler@redhat.com Michal Maléř
              0 Vote for this issue
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