Resolution: Done
Docs exist in various places but should be centralized into a wiki or adoc so there's a single entry for TLs who want to learn the pains and gains of productization.
Recent versions of the instructions can be found here:
- CRW 2.5: configbump and traefik
- CRW 2.8: DWO, DWCO
- CRW 2.9: Dashboard
- CRW 2.11: IDEA
- CRW 2.12: backup
- CRW 2.yy: vsix installer
- CRW 2.yy: DWO as its own operatorhub component
See also:
- Get added to a group https://github.com/redhat-developer/codeready-workspaces-images/settings/access so you can collaborate/commit in CRW repos
- new comet build entry ==> pkgs.devel repo - see https://github.com/redhat-developer/codeready-workspaces-productization/blob/crw-2-rhel-8/devdoc/building/osbs-container-builds.adoc#gaining-access
- new comet delivery entry ==> RHEC url (make sure added to the correct errata targets/branches) - https://github.com/redhat-developer/codeready-workspaces-productization/tree/crw-2-rhel-8/devdoc/publishing#non-operator-container
- https://redhat.service-now.com/help?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=efc26a27053142004c7104229f8248df (for adding a new user to the devel ldap group so they can git clone from pkgs.devel and run rhpkg container-build)
- setting up rhpkg, kinit ==> https://gist.github.com/nickboldt/52d7031fab62bfab7ed15195ddfc9e7f#file-f31-sh-L141-L159
- documents
CRW-1731 Add vsix installer support to theia-endpoint container
- Resolved
CRW-1260 Add traefik and configbump images to CRW 2.5 BOM
- Closed
CRW-1358 Feature: Support IntelliJ IDEA as optional editor
- Closed
CRW-1671 Productize containers for quay.io/devfile/devworkspace-controller and quay.io/che-incubator/devworkspace-che-operator
- Closed
CRW-1965 Productize new backup-rhel8 container - required for Operator support of automated backup and restore of server components
- Resolved
CRW-1728 Productize new container crw-dashboard-rhel8
- Closed
CRW-1587 Productize new container crw-idea-rhel8 (was plugin-intellij-rhel8)
- Closed
CRW-1730 Productize DWO (devworkspace-controller) wrapped with its own operator + metadata & publish to RHEC
- Closed
- is related to
CRW-564 Centralize & formalize productization docs
- Closed