Test plan:
Verification of telemetry fix https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CRW-1668
- selector: matchLabels: app.kubernetes.io/component: codeready
Functional tests against CRW with OS OAuth installed by OperatorHub on OCP 4.7 test build
Functional tests against CRW without OS OAuth installed by crwctl on OCP 4.7 test build
CRW 2.7.1 CSV contains the same image digests as CRW 2.7.0 CSV.
CRW 2.7.0 has successfully upgraded to CRW 2.7.1 by using OperatorHub, including fixup of `matchLabels` value in ServiceMonitor openshift-workspaces-metrics-exporter, to "app.kubernetes.io/component: codeready" servicemonitor-openshift-workspaces-metrics-exporter.yaml