User Story
As a user I want a more streamlined experience onboarding OCP sources to cost managment.
The operator should be able to configure my OCP and (if applicable) cloud source via operator custom resource. The operator should improve its capabilities beyond Level 1 on the operator capability model (
Prioritization / Business Case
- Creating the OCP source improves on-boarding as it minimizes setup
- Creating an associated Cloud source allow users to minimize locations for setup when pairing OCP with the cloud they are running it on.
- Operator
- Docs
Related Stories
- None
External Dependencies
- Platform Sources integration with RBAC is needed if the operator is to create sources for the user
UX Requirements
- Is completion of a design/mock a prerequisite to working this epic or can portions be done concurrently? No
UI Requirements
- Does the UI require a API contract with the backend so that UI could be developed prior to completing the API work? No
Documentation Requirements
- What documentation is required to complete this epic?
Update operator documentation to describe configuration for sources setup.
Operator Requirements
- Are there any prerequisites required before working this epic? No
QE Requirements
- Does QE need specific data or tooling to successfully test this epic? No
The operator needs to be installable in all supported versions of OpenShift starting with 4.3, and evolve into the full list of supported versions (so test should make sure that the can use the same or similar images for all versions as base images can be different)
Release Criteria
- Can this epic be released as individual issues/tasks are completed? Yes
- Can the backend be released without the frontend? Yes
- Has QE approved this epic? Yes
- is blocked by
COST-535 Go Cost Management Operator
- Closed