Resolution: Done
2023-03-04: PR submitted https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-aws/pull/4846
OCPSTRAT-1007 - Remove Terraform from the AWS IPI installer
OpenShift SPLAT - Sprint 252
- Kubernetes API on OpenShift requires advanced health check configuration ensure graceful termiantion[1] works correctly. The health check protocol must be HTTPS testing the path /readyz.
- Currently CAPA support standard configuration (health check probe timers) and for path, when using HTTP or HTTPS is selected.
- MCS listener/target must use HTTPS health check with custom probe periods too.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create CAPA cluster
- Check the Target Groups created to route traffic to API (6443), for both Load Balancers (int and ext)
Actual results:
- TCP health check w/ default probe config
Expected results:
- HTTPS health check evaluating /readyz path
- Check parameters: 2 checks in the interval of 10s, using 10s of timeout
- [1] API graceful termination: https://github.com/openshift/installer/blob/master/docs/dev/kube-apiserver-health-check.md
- documentation: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.15/installing/installing_platform_agnostic/installing-platform-agnostic.html#installation-load-balancing-user-infra_installing-platform-agnostic
- Current terraform setup: https://github.com/openshift/installer/blob/master/data/data/aws/cluster/vpc/master-elb.tf#L86-L94
- blocks
CORS-3294 [capi[aws][bug] Expose the Cluster API to configure LB Target Health Check attributes for primary and additional listeners
- Closed
- is cloned by
CORS-3294 [capi[aws][bug] Expose the Cluster API to configure LB Target Health Check attributes for primary and additional listeners
- Closed
- links to