Log in Dev console as a general user , Metrics are forbidden when navigated from Dev-Console->observe->logs->metrics
Same query can return value using observe->metrics-custom Query
Step to reproduce:
1. deploy coo and enable LoggingUI Plugin TroubeShootPannel Plugin.
2. create projects, alert and assign roles o general user.
echo "# grant ${user_name} view logs/alerts to ${user_namespace}"
oc -n ${user_namespace} policy add-role-to-user view ${user_name}
oc -n ${user_namespace} policy add-role-to-user cluster-logging-application-view ${user_name}
oc -n ${user_namespace} policy add-role-to-user monitoring-rules-edit ${user_name}
oc -n ${user_namespace} policy add-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view ${user_name}
3. View Logs, metrics, alert in dev-console as general user
Result: The general user can view logs, alert and metrics
4. Click the metrics link in log record.
Actual result:
Metrics are forbidden when navigated from Dev-Console->observe->logs->metrics
- links to
RHEA-2024:138050 Cluster Observability Operator 0.4.0 for OpenShift
Since the problem described in this issue should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed.
For information on the advisory (Cluster Observability Operator 0.4.0), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below.
If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.