Resolution: Done
OCPSTRAT-258 - Unified Console - Tech Preview Update
As a developer I want to propagate the hub cluster url up to the UI so it can be used when providing notification purposes in the gui. This change will also provide evidence to the UI that the current cluster is either hub or spoke.
- If consoleoperator is running on the hub cluster, then Push the managed cluster url in a config map or secret from the console operator using manifestworkapi
- If the consoleoperator is running on the spoke cluster, then look for that config map or secret via a controller and update the console config and add the hub cluster url to the console config.
- Having that config map or secret entry will also show the UI that this is a spoke cluster. This also shows that its a spoke cluster.
This story will need to merge before CONSOLE-3057
- Add the hub cluster's URL into a new CM(namespace: openshift-console; name:TBD) on the all the managed cluster in the fleet.
- Update the console-operator on the manage clusters to read that new CM and propagate it to the console.
Note: We need to additional story for the frontend changes.
- blocks
CONSOLE-3057 Provide notification in the cluster dropdown to use the cluster HUB - Back end / front end work
- Closed
- clones
CONSOLE-3057 Provide notification in the cluster dropdown to use the cluster HUB - Back end / front end work
- Closed
- links to