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  1. OpenShift Console
  2. CONSOLE-3063

[RFE] PDB for console operands to avoid going too many replicas down


    • 3
    • False
    • False
    • OCPPLAN-8030 - Console: Customer Happiness (RFEs) for 4.8-4.12
    • HAC Infra - Sprint 220

      During master nodes upgrade when nodes are getting drained there's currently no protection from two or more operands going down. If your component is required to be available during upgrade or other voluntary disruptions, please consider deploying PDB to protect your operands.

      The effort is tracked in https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WRKLDS-293.



      Acceptance Criteria:
      1. Create PDB controller in console-operator for both console and downloads pods
      2. Add e2e tests for PDB in single node and multi node cluster


      Note: We should consider to backport this to 4.10

            cajieh Cyril Ajieh
            jhadvig@redhat.com Jakub Hadvig
            YaDan Pei YaDan Pei
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
