Resolution: Done
HAC Infra - Sprint 217, HAC Infra - Sprint 218
If the Infrastructure.Status.ControlPlaneTopology is set to 'External', the console-operator will pass this information via the console-config.yaml co the console. Console pod will get re-deployed and will store the topology mode information as a SERVER_FLAG. Based on that value we need to show or hide Machine related resources in the console. Those resources are:
- Remove MachineConfigs
- Remove MachineConfigPools
- Remove Machines
- Remove MachineSets
- Remove MachineAutoscalers
- Remove MachineHealthChecks
- Remove Machine related resources from nav section
- Remove Machine related resources from CRD list
- Remove Machine related resources from search page
- Remove Machine related resources from search filter
Check section 01 for more info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k76JtRRHBdCCEjHPqKcYvbNVsuaGmRhWDLESWIm0mbo/edit#